Saturday, September 19, 2015

Delta State: An Illuminati Assassination

One of the most difficult things for skeptics to understand about the Illuminati and all of the symbolism is that the organization is a religious one. Perhaps the most common rebuttal to our analyses is someone saying that "if the Illuminati are so secret and have plans for world domination, then why do they tell everyone what they're doing through movies and music?" The answer to this question is that releasing these "prophecies" are part of the order's sacred doctrines. They must disclose their plans before implementing them.

Other Illuminati religious activities involve blood sacrifice. As a satanic group, members must atone themselves and profess their dedication to the devil through the spilling of blood. This cannot be achieved by killing animals or even ordinary people but only through the slaughter of one of their own. This involves open betrayal and displays a willingness to engage in the most evil behavior. If you think there is something worse, we'd like to refer you to Dante's "Inferno". Those that occupied the worst level of hell were people who betrayed others. To confirm their loyalty to Satan, the members must commit this sin, and they did so very recently.

On September 14, 2015, Delta State University professor Ethan Schmidt was gunned down for unknown reasons. His killer, fellow professor Shannon Lamb, swiftly committed suicide after leaving behind a note saying "sorry". The media has portrayed this story as one of irrational gun violence, a situation where a person just lost all stability and became psychotic. For those of us who know how to read the Illuminati's signs, obvious evidence indicated something much deeper.

First of all, this sacrifice was done for an audience. The Illuminati's doctrine mandates that the act be committed for all to witness. Although the cover story of a deranged killer managed to fool the majority, enough symbols were left for those who can decipher them to understand the reality of the deed. The first piece of evidence is the university name, Delta State. It's an obvious Illuminati reference.

The second is the day of the murder. September 14 was Rosh Hashanah, a Jewish holiday, and this day is also observed by satanists. To give a brief explanation, the holiday symbolizes the importance of God's dependence on the Jews to make His presence known in the world. In this case, however, it's used by the Illuminati to celebrate making Satan's presence known.

The third indicator that Schmidt's murder was a sacrifice was the note that his killer left behind. As academics, both professors had joined the Illuminati at some point. Only members can participate in these rituals. Once initiated, the two probably formed a strong familial bond, even stronger than that of blood brothers. When the highest ranking members ordered Lamb to make the betrayal, he had no choice. Not only did he have to execute one of his own, he also had to kill himself as a tribute to history's worst traitor of all time, Judas Iscariot. Because Lamb was loyal to Satan, he carried out his instructions but not without expressing his conscience in writing. That was why he wrote "sorry".

And that's how it's done. The Illuminati performed one of it's most important religious rituals and did it in plain sight. Only those who are truly sensitive to how the order functions could decipher the real story. The rest of the masses saw a tragic murder/suicide unfold on the news, an event that happens all too frequently. The thing to remember here is that while the Illuminati controls us through secular means, it's also a religious order that adheres to a rigorous doctrine that dictates rituals and procedures that must be followed. Those include hiding in plain sight and leaving clues to be interpreted.


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